2013 Project 52

Monday, September 1, 2008

Poopies come out!

Once you view this video, you'll see that I really had no other choice for the title of this post. Up until this weekend, Calder really hadn't shown any signs of being ready for potty training. He rarely wants to sit on the potty when we ask, so we don't push the issue. However, last night when I was putting him in his crib at bedtime, he looked at me and said "Poopies?" I thought he was telling me that he had just done the deed, so I checked his diaper and it was clean. Then he said "Mommy, poopies come out in diaper!" So, I asked him if he had to go, and he said yes, so I then asked him if he wanted to sit on the potty. He did, so off we went to the bathroom (with blue bear in tow) for a good 15 minute stint of sitting on the potty. For the record, no poopies ever came out, but he sure was being cute.

Potty Time from courtney on Vimeo.


NuggetsMom said...

That is the cutest thing I've seen in a while! You always have the best videos :)

Susannah said...

So cute! And it will be good to have on hand in case you need to blackmail him with his middle school girlfriends. :)
