2013 Project 52

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Water Babies

Calder and Sandhya are taking a swimming class together. They absolutely love it! They have so much fun splashing around and exploring the pool.
We try to make sure to get to class early so Calder has a little extra playtime, and we also stay a little late for more playing...but Calder still cries when it's time to go. Perhaps we'll be signing him up for a swim team in a few years!
Calder was blowing Mommy kisses as he swam by. I was the evening's official photographer -- since I had plans later that night, I didn't want to get in the pool.
Cute family photo
Sandhya after an underwater dunk!

Calder after a dunk! He kept touching his mouth and giggling -- we think he liked the feel of the water on his mouth.

Remember his first swimming lesson, 1 year ago?

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