2013 Project 52

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Calder cracks us up on a daily basis with the things he says. A few quick excerpts from today:

Calder to Mommy: "You have a big head."
Mommy: "That's not a very nice thing to say."
Calder: "You have a big head, please."

Daddy to Calder: "Wow! I like your new shoes. I want to wear those shoes."
Calder: "When they get bigger."
Daddy: "When I get bigger?"
Calder: "No, when the shoes get bigger."

And after giving me a good night hug and kiss, he ran over to the fan, hugged and kissed it and said "Good Night, Wind. Have a great nap!"


Susannah said...

That first one made me laugh out loud! When kids this age aren't driving you completely crazy, they are so hilarious. :)

Monica W. said...

Here's a funny one from a friend...

Mom to Son, "Please get the juice out of the fridge."

Son to Mom, "All I see is drug juice. I don't want to drink the drug juice...yuck!"

Drug Juice = Beer, and she NEVER taught him that!!!! =)

ps - I've never commented before b/c I didn't know you could w/o some sort of account...yea, now I know!
