2013 Project 52

Sunday, February 23, 2014

More Presents and a New Room!

On Tessa's actual birthday, she got to stay home from school and spend the day with Grandma.  That night, we had a little mini celebration at home with more presents. She really raked it in this year! She got so many gifts, I had to sneak a few away to the storage area so I can bring them out gradually throughout the year.
Alyse and Calder were just as excited about the gifts!

Matching hat, scarf and gloves
I finally finished the tooth fairy pillow that I've been promising her for about 6 months.  Literally...I finished it the night before her birthday.

Lots of arts and crafts gifts to keep her busy!

Her last present was a week late,but for good reason.  My mom and I painted her room while she was at school on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  She had no idea we were going to do it, so she was quite surprised and very excited.  
My girl loves purple!

One of my favorite things about Pinterest is the ability to easily find cute free printables.  I was excited to find these to update her frames. 
One very happy girl, ready to sleep in her purple room!

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