So...Calder has been suffering from extreme separation anxiety for about the past 8 weeks. I dread every time that I have to drop him off at day care, because he clings to me with all of his limbs and cries big, sad tears as I peel him off of me and slip out the door. Every week I tell
myself that this can't go on forever, and maybe the end is near. So, about a week ago, I was browsing children's books on Amazon and I happened to come across a few books recommended to help children deal with separation anxiety. Knowing that they were probably geared toward older children, I put them on hold at the library anyway, and picked up the first one this week. The book is called "Owl Babies" and it's about 3 owl babies who wake up to find their mother gone and all of the thoughts that go through their heads. Eventually the mother returns and says "What's all the fuss? You knew I'd come back." Well, even though I realize that Calder is still a bit young to transfer this concept to his own life, I still held out a glimmer of hope that it just might help a little bit. So, last night, we snuggled up together for his bedtime stories, and, with high hopes, I started reading. Around page 3, Calder started giggling. At page 4, he let out a big laugh. And, with each subsequent page, he laughed harder and harder until he was
absolutely hysterical! I was shocked and a little upset that my plan wasn't working and he wasn't even listening to the book, but his little laughs were so contagious, by the end of the book I was practically in tears and could barely finish reading. So, needless to say, this morning was no different when I dropped him off. When I tried to remind him of the story, he just cried 'No' and gripped me harder. I was really hoping for a few of those belly laughs from last night, but no such luck. Ah well...strike one. We're going to move on to "The Kissing Hand" and see if that one does the trick...or at least we'll find out if it's just as funny.
In the meantime, if anyone has any brilliant coping strategies for separation anxiety (for me or Calder) -- PLEASE send them my way!